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Insecurity Insights


Everyone has emotions including you. Take that into account when interacting with others.

Acknowledge when someone makes you feel a certain way. Some of us believe that it is mature to deny being provoked by someone or something. We will continue to be provoked if we do not do something. Once you acknowledge it then you can act to counter it.

Being able to accept your emotions, communicate them and deal with them is true maturity.


When we lack purpose, we feel insecure. Do not work towards a false purpose just to avoid the discomfort. Become aware and don’t doubt yourself. Make effort when needed. Otherwise enjoy the present moment.


Humans distract themselves to cope with the anguish of a meaningless world. When given to much time to think humans will eventually contemplate their own insignificance.

Do not force distraction to cope, it never ends well.

Embrace the absurd. The universe is irrational and meaningless.

Accept the absurd and be happy anyway. Carry out your meaningless task and be happy in spite of it. Be ready to give everything up.


When you pursue something, it makes you want it more and makes you feel more inadequate. E.g The more you obsess about your appearance the more it upsets you. When you stop trying to be happy, you will be happy.


Nobody is good at everything not even you. Having unrealistic expectations leads to unnecessary stress.


Imposter syndrome makes us feel as though we are significantly worse than those surrounding us. In fact, everyone else shares the same flaws. Even kings and queens feel anxious at times. it is impossible for us to see into other people’s mind. Everyone wears a mask and most hide their flaws.


Gluttony. Humans over-indulge in food and drink. We do this because we are emotionally needy. We are at a loss at how to find love or passion so we turn to food. We must discover new sources of kindness and security and emotional connection.


When people can’t get what they want they tell themselves it is not what they wanted anyway. This leads to stress and uncertainty in oneself.


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