1. You aren’t you when your tired, hungry or scared. Your emotions override your rational thought. Notice when you feel a certain way and Refrain from acting inappropriately.
2. You may pursue something unworthy because of constant distractions and no time to think. Regular meditation and reflection are important.
3. Dedication to a single task such as work. Remaining sedentary for extended periods is a major health risk. Forgetting to drink water also. Take frequent breaks and share your focus on everything important.
4. Temperature. Intense cold energises you and heat tires you. Dressing correctly avoids much discomfort.
5. Overwhelming your senses. Frequent loud music or staring extensively at screens are unhealthy and cause discomfort. Limit your exposure.
6. Will power is limited. Don’t waste it on redundant tasks.
7. Decision fatigue is real. Listen to your gut for non-important decisions e.g. lunch option. Think critically for what matters.
8. Everyone has unique power hours. You may feel energetic and motivated in the morning or afternoon.
9. Any extreme is unpleasant and counterproductive. Distribute enduring tasks throughout your day. Accept and reject what you are not capable of achieving