1. Focus on saving rather than earning.
Make effort to be conscious of your spending. Be prepared for emergencies and avoid disasters by planning. Such disasters negate all the effort spent earning.
2. Don’t chase perfection. Law of diminishing returns states that proportionally smaller profits or benefits are derived from something as more money or energy is invested in it. Perfection is never required and it is irrational to pursue.
3. Focus on the fundamentals. The 80-20 rule suggests that 80% of outcomes comes from 20% of causes. Identify and work hard at these causes.
4. Delegate tasks you are bad at. Pay others to do it well. Use the spare time to work on what you do well and use what you earned to pay.
5. First, clarify what you want and prioritise. Don’t waste time and energy on something that doesn’t benefit you or make you happy. Never do anything that doesn’t make you happy now or in the future
6. Know yourself. Know your shortcomings and prepare to combat them. Know what you value. Know when you are most energetic.
7. Learn the process and accept it without needing to understand it.