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False beliefs we share

1.        I am rational.

Untrue since it is not a trait.

Pressure, emotions, fatigue, and other factors trigger irrational behaviour.

2.        That life is fair.

Good behaviour is not rewarded, nor is bad punished. Don’t set yourself up for disappointment.

3.        Life is balanced. Sometimes you will be busy, other times you will bored to death. You can only accept this.

4.        The correct moment will come and it will feel right.

Only action leads to outcomes which produce feelings.

Life wont deliver

5.        People are understanding.

People act to preserve their wellbeing above all.

They only help when they themselves are satisfied.

6.        Life is a constant adventure.

Movies and social media make us believe that we are supposed to live with purpose and excitement every day. This is not reality.

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