These simple changes will tenfold your life.
Pay attention to your body temperature – being too warm makes you irritable and tired. Being too cold makes it hard to relax. Thankfully, it's easy to influence your body temperature by consuming liquids or with clothing. So……
Plan and organise your life – live with intention and avoid meaningless tasks. Save time, energy, and effort. Avoid unnecessary trouble and ssuffering.
Stop rushing – If this seems impossible, do less and prioritise. Rushing makes it impossible to focus and find gratitude for the present moment. It also causes stress.
Stretch regularly – stretching seems daunting to those who don’t. In reality, stretching requires little effort and can be pleasant with relieving sensations. The true benefit is that body aches dissappear and everyday life becomes more pleasant.
Review each experience when it is over. It is impossible to review and experience at the same time, not to mention review something before it happened. This change will allow you to enjoy that which you have prejudices against.
Incorporate variety. You lose appreciation to that which you’re constantly exposed. Also, nothing is pleasant in extremes.