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Exposing your irrationality


1.        Fear of effort. Effort is your choice and in your control. You may decide for certain to never expend effort again, so why fear it? You’ll find that effort is not unpleasant but rather your interpretation of it is.

2.        Need for purpose. When we lack purpose, we feel insecure. Do not work towards a false purpose just to avoid the discomfort. Become aware and don’t doubt yourself. Make effort when needed. Otherwise enjoy the present moment.

3.        Regret. The fear of missing out or loathing a mistake. You made a decision with the information available at the time. Regardless, the consequences are definite and out of your control. Presume the missed opportunity to be miserable. Assume that something worse would happen if you made another decision.

4.        Fear of judgement from others is irrational. Do whatever, unless there is a a definite threat or consequence. You trust that the crowd knows better than you do alone, despite sharing the same knowledge. Overcome your low self-esteem, have confidence, and follow your own pursuit.

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